Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Opportunity to SOAR! {contest}

A few weeks back I saw a blog post from one of my favorite photographers, Me Ra Koh.    This woman is amazing in her craft, as well as her person.  She is always striving to give back, teach and share her love of people and photography any way she can.

She came up with the SOAR scholarship program.  With the help of her partners, including, Sony, (Did I mention she is one of their spokes people) and many, many others, they have donated an amazing opportunity to (3) Three woman to succeed.  (If you want more information, please visit her website,

There will be prize after prize, to insure we are able to fulfill our dreams of becoming a photographer, and the tools to accomplish the world.  The three deserving women will be flown around the country to attend (4) of Me Ra's workshops, amongst many other chance of a lifetime opportunities. 

I usually don't enter contests.  In the past the odds have been stacked against me, and life takes over, my insecurities start working over my mind, and before I know it the deadline has past, and I think, " wasn't meant to be"

This time, however, this was not the case.  NOTHING was getting in my way.  The MOMENT I saw this opportunity in front of me I went for it. I struggled with entering a video presentation of myself.  I hate being in front of a camera, and a motion picture camera...even worse.  I knew I had to do this.  The last time I felt this strongly about an opportunity is when I heard about Habitat for Humanity, and that did fall in my favor.  Besides, a little sleep, some extra time on the's all I had to loose, and I have so much to potentially gain.

The contest deadline is December 21st, my birthday.  What a better omen then that.  The three woman will find out on Januray 1st, 2010, that their lives will change forever.  I hope I'm on that list.

I'm going to open myself up for the world, and do it!  I will Soar!

Here is my video submission....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

is it REALLY almost 2010?? {personal}

Happy New Year everyone.  I know...New Years cards.  This time a year is a busy one for me, getting everyone's Christmas photos and cards off to the printer.  I barely find time to do any shopping.  So, New Years's what I do.

From our family to yours!  Happy 2010!  This going to be ONE FABULOUS year!  I can feel it!New Years card front

Thursday, December 10, 2009

For the love of a build {event}

One of my very best girls, Miss Sophie P, is the director at the Restore. If you have not heard of the amazing place, it is a recycled building materials and furniture store that benefits one of my favorite organizations, Habitat for Humanity. This year the Restore is sponsoring one of the new builds off of Empire Dr, in Parkway Village.

Sophie asked if I would come out this past Saturday and help build. The Saturday builds are always a blast and with a big group of our friends heading out, I knew it was going to be a fun day. It was fun, but the COLD weather had set in that week, and the group got smaller and smaller.

I did make it out, and while it didn't take long to loose the feeling in my legs, and hands, we did have the best time. I snapped a few photos and hoped no one would care I was taking a break from the hard work. I was out there swinging a hammer, and lifting walls.

If any of you get the volunteer bug you should definitely check out Habitat. They are a great organization and one very dear to my heart.

Miss Sophie, the "Big Boss" of the day
...and her hubby
A little lovin' on the don't see this very often
Robin, swingin' a hammer


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One cold and VERY snowy morning {portrait]

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of photographing and visiting with a former employer.  I braved the snowstorm outside, and slowely worked my way over to the Kuhn house.  I worked in this couples office last year around this time, just before deciding to do my photography more full-time.  They were great!  I had a fun time, while they expected professionalism, it was a lighthearted and laughter filled work place. (except on billing days, but having Brandi in there with me, made the hair-pulling experience a bit more tolerable)

Our Christmas party last year is one I'll remember fondly.  Literally the BEST food I've had in a long time...these two know how to cook!  Homemade beer, and tons of fun.

Every once in awhile the little one's would come in to say hello, pick us a few strawberries from the office garden and always make anyone around them can you not with those big grins and chubby cheeks.

I'm so glad even though I no longer work there, ( oh, and they did find the BEST office gal in town to replace me) that I can still keep in touch and see these little cuties grow up.  Thanks for thinking of me for your family photos, Kuhn family.  I'm so glad you FINALLY used that Christmas gift I gave you last year!


Everyone with a toddler in the house needs a set of photos like these...It's real life!


Everything is always better with candy!

A rule during a Tambi Lane session..."you must ALWAYS end on a fun note...cupcake eyeballs included!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Christensen Clan {portrait}

While I was home for Thanksgiving this year, my mom asked me to take our family photo.  I guess the saying of the cobblers kids not having any shoes applies here.  We have not had a family photo in years.  I think I was in 8th grade, now I'm grown with kids of my own, and my mom said it's time.

We thought out our color scheme, one my brothers would approve of.  We were fairly limited since the younger of the two will ONLY wear black, and sometimes a little white.  My mom was so excited...and then it rained.  My vision of our family in the field next to our house, the greenery of the Valley quickly died when it poured ALL day.  I did bring one of my backgrounds in case the weather was bad, but hoped I wouldn't have to use it.  This "boring" type of photography is just not my thing.  I wanted my mom to have the beautiful photos she dreamed of.  Plan B, was set into action, and as always, the boys can't be serious for one minute.  If they were cooperating, one of my unruly  children was making a face.

I've been asked by a few people to post these, to show off my family, since I show off all of yours, so here goes nothing....

The unruly Christensen Clan....

And the best one that went on this years Christmas cards from my mother.....


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The world works in mysterious ways {portrait}

I was scouring town a few weeks back for some new fabric. I wanted a great piece of something...I just had to find it.   My first stop...Hancocks.

I wandered around for awhile, they were fairly busy.  I had a few questions and patiently waited for someone, anyone to help me.  Finally a woman came by.  Cute little red head, with her very friendly smile, answered all of my questions and was eager to help in any way she can.  I have to say, I love finding someone so willing in a customer service position.

We got talking, she asked what I was making.  She was curious about the photography so I gave her my card and was on my way.  It had to have been later that week, I get an email from this same "customer service extraordinaire"  asking about family photos.

She had a great idea to incorporate their family plane, this is a "prop" I have never used.  (Ok...bad joke, but you get it....right?"

Last night was the night.  I met Darin and her rambunctious family down at the Bend airport for their session.  We picked the perfect time of day, which Darin loves...Sunset.  Her boys have the best names in the world, I just love it!  (Auto and Jet)  They were so fun, and the older of the two was a little stubborn giving me his award winning smile.  But in the end I think I got and I had a great time.   I'm so excited for them to see their sneak peek, I hope she LOVES them.  I do!   Boys, you are great!  That little Jet is a ham.  Thanks again Darin for the call.  I'm so glad I wandered into Hancocks that day.  You have an awesome family!


And my absolute favorites....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Some Gilberts never change {portrait}

This is the last post from my Holiday Mini sessions, and what a fun one it was. I sent out a quick note a few weeks ago for the first person to call and book a session with me in Salem gets a $25 gift certificate. One of the those fun incentives I love to throw out there every once in awhile. Within minutes I get an email from an old friend....she was so cute, she says "I want that $25"

We struggled for days looking at scheduling possibilities, and nothing worked. Between my schedule, her husbands work and the holiday trip they were taking, nothing was working. We were going to be crossing paths on both ends of our trip, I was heading to Salem, they were coming near Bend. Finally, due to some sort of miracle in the heavens, we made it work out.

I met Lyle (the husband) in Junior High, but we didn't become friends until just after our High School graduation. He was friends/ roommates with my ex-husband, so Lyle and I hung out often. He was the one you call when you're in trouble, the one who will always make you laugh and a really good friend. Angie I knew as well, she was a few years younger than I was, but we always had a good time together. One day, I think after Angie had broken up with a boyfriend, I asked her if she like to hang out. I brought her over to the guys house, introduced her to the "roommate" and apparently, the history. They make the cutest couple, and have lasted through the years. I love a good story like this one. They were also the first to come visit me in the hospital after I had Taylor. Shortly after Taylor, life took us to North Carolina, and I lost contact with most everyone from that other life of mine.

Thanks to Facebook, they found me. It had been 12 years since I saw either of them, they now have a very adorable red haired little girl, and are still happily married.

After a very successful session in Eagle Crest, we headed back to the condo to catch up. It was great to hear the stories I missed. They asked a lot of questions about our lives, but what I really found out, is that some things never change. Angie is still the sweet girl I knew at 15, her hair is a little darker, and she totes around a toddler now, but under all of those 15 years is an amazing woman, who is still kind and thoughtful. Lyle will still make you laugh, and while he can usually say something off the wall and sometimes inappropriate, he's always there for a good laugh. He's also still the guy people call when they need help, only now he gets to drive a car really fast, carries a gun and gets paid for it. (He's a police officer) I'm so glad to have met up with these two again. They are a few of the people I always missed seeing, and other than life happening, I'm not sure why we lost touch. I hope that this little reunion will spark something to keep the three of us in contact.

Thanks so much Gilbert's for letting me photograph you. I had such a great time reconnecting and watching your adorable little daughter. She is just too cute, and a perfect combination of her amazing parents.





Sunday, November 29, 2009

Is it still raining?? {portraits}

As promised, this is the second post of my Mini Holiday Sessions. This particular session was almost canceled due to weather.

All week long I searched for the perfect family location in a strange town. I found a few, but none just right. The day before we were scheduled to photograph, I noticed a field. Its a field right across the street from my parents house. It's one we played in growing up, rode bikes in since our road was only half paved. I suppose when you see things every day, they start to loose their amazement. There used to be an old building in this field, that was long ago torn down, although the piles of cinder block and old tires that people have dumped still lay. I noticed an old patch of trees that could possibly make a great back drop. (Note to self...remember this spot, it could come in handy)

The weather was beautiful all week, and then it hit. The rain started Thanksgiving day and seemed to not let up. I had set up a session with a woman I went to High School with and her family. I don't remember Jennifer and I as friends back then, but she was always nice. I was always too quiet. I didn't make friends easily. We reconnected on Facebook, and I enjoy getting her updates and comments. She now lives away from our old town, as do I, but both of us were going to be visiting family for the holidays back home.

It was perfect, except for that rain. Maybe it will let up?? In the early hours of the morning, I was awoke by the loud rain pouring down on the shed outside. My stomach turned as I knew I was going to have to cancel with Jennifer, even though everything else had worked out so perfectly.

Well, long story short, we actually did cancel, it had dumped rain all night, and everything was wet, and gloomy, definitely NOT picture weather.

After a long talk that morning, we decided to postpone and hope we can make our schedules work again. I was bummed....

About 10 minutes later, the sun started to peek thru the trees, drying the ground fast then a hairdryer. I called Jennifer back, pushed the session back an hour and hoped the weather would hold.

Well, as you may already know, it did hold. In fact, the photos are some of my favorites. The vivid colors and light in that field were this amazing combination of perfection. I had such a great time with this family. They were fun and willing to do anything I asked. They even sat on a pile of old junk, cinderblock and rotting tires. But that's what it takes to get a fun and different family photo. Thank you Alvarez family for a great morning, and thanks for tromping around in some wet ground with me!






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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Blast from the Past {portriat}

This past week has been an interesting one. I decided to go home for the holidays, and I ended up booking 3 sessions while I was there. All of these families I knew in that other life of mine, and I have not seen any of them since. The first family was the Wentworth family.

I headed over to Salem last Sunday morning. The snow was terrible crossing the pass, so badly that I worried we may not make it. (I'm a woos when it comes to driving in the weather like that) We hit a huge blizzard type storm, and could barely see a car length in front of us. Needless to say...I made it fine, and was so glad to see dry pavement.

I had about an hour before my first session. I was going to be meeting the Wentowrth's at one of the fabulous historic sites in Salem.

A little background....

Jenny and I met in Junior High. She was the cousin of a very good friend of mine. I loved Jenny from the minute I met her. She was sweet and kind, and was so funny. Thats what I remember of Jenny. Jeremy, I knew separately from Jenny. We worked together at my first job, he was sort of a confidant for me. He would listen to all of my High School drama, and tell me how to deal with those "boys". Shortly after starting work with Jeremy I discovered he had a girlfriend. Her name was Jenny. The two of them had a tough start to what turns out to be a lasting, loving relationship. They started their family early, and once Jeremy and I no longer worked together, I didn't see the two of them again.

One day searching the beloved Facebook, I was reconnected with Jenny, and found her and Jeremy to still be married with now two kids, and couldn't have been happier. They two of them seem to overcome anything that life throws at them, with grace and love. They have a beautiful family, and seem to be very happy.

I was thrilled when Jenny asked me to photograph their first...yes, I said first, professional family portrait. I only hope I lived up to their expectations.

It was so great to catch up, neither one of them have changed a bit, except for the now teenage daughter and very energetic 10 year old son that they tote around with them. It was a good start to my week of reunions.

Stay tuned, I'll be posting the rest soon....I have several more special appearances from long time friends to come.
