Saturday, March 13, 2010

Miss Kaci....Rockstar

Kaci is a stubborn child. She doesn't like to do much, unless highly motivated, by candy, money or hair die.

We've been having some major problems getting her motivated to get dressed, put on clothes, you know...all the necessities of getting one's self ready for a day of school. There is alot of wandering around the house, looking for a shirt to literally jump out at her, or magically turn into something.

I finally found the magic potion. Who would have thought letting your ten year old color her hair would make life so much easier.

My mom never would have let me do such a crazy thing at 10, but this mom...well, I love it that she has personality and if Ronald McDonald red is what she wants, then by all means....

I took Kaci down last night to get a cut and a few colored pieces in. She looks so cute! I was more than pleased with the way it looks. I must say I was a bit hesitant on the bangs, but this girl can rock it! She loves the hair and has even promised to keep it combed...WOW!

I had to celebrate such a joyous day, the day Miss Kaci, my tomboy, my skater chick, my non-dress wearing kid, wanted to put on a bright red skirt and totally rock the new hair!



  1. Very cool! So did you go to Melissa? It looks great! I bet Kaci is stoked... wonder what color she'll do next?!

  2. Love it, she looks so cute! I know what you mean, my mom would never have let me have red streaks. It's important to let our kiddos express themselves and haircolor is a great way to do it. I let Emma put aquamarine streaks in her hair one summer, she loved it! Hope you're having a great weekend Tambi!

  3. Hey Ladies! thanks!!!! Lori, I didn't go to Melissa, she never called me back and Kaci was in a hurry. We ended up going to the place we used to go and tried a new lady who is AWESOME!
