Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Miss Popluarity {portraits}

Ever since Kaci got her hair died you'd think he had become a star. There was a rush of girls the flew into her homeroom class Monday morning to see what all the fuss was about, and accusations like "Your only playing with her now cause she has cool hair" My little fashion-ista almost started a riot in the halls with her perfectly quaff hair and bright shade of red.

I don't think she knew what to do with all of the attention, as she is not your typical attention hog. She leaves that duty to her unbelievably, in your face, theatrical sister. I told her to enjoy it and just remember who your friends are. She needed the boost...lately she's had a rough time.

Kaci doesn't make friends easily. She's a tom boy, but now at an age that if you play with a boy you must want to marry him. The girls either think she's weird, for her "unique" fashion trends, or she doesn't want to hang out with them for the drama and the constant chatter about "who likes who"

I love it that at 10 she has her head on straight and possibly we won't have the same issues as with Taylor. Taylor's whole life revolves around who she wants to date, who wants to date her, or who her friends like. It's exhausting.

In second grade a new family moved into the school. This school is unlike others in that you had to get in on lottery and hardly EVER does one of the "golden spots" open up in any grade other than kindergarten. Once your in, your in, and families rarely leave.

The family had a boy and girl, both in my kids classes. Every year there seems to be one particular child that your child has tough time with. Well, unfortunately for Kaci this family, or rather, this families sweet girl was it for her. I always tell her to give people a chance, they might surprise you when you get to know them. As I mentioned before...she's a stubborn child and this was not what she wanted to hear.

Over the next few years Kaci and Vanessa stayed away form each other. The small complaints, of " I just think she doesn't like me" or "She's a girly-girl Mom" started to become fewer and I started to notice that they two girls were finding some similarities this past year.

Both avid crafters, they worked on several projects together and Kaci started to discover that Vanessa was either not the girly-girl she had previously thought, or maybe V was just coming into her own. Whatever is what....they have found each other.

Kaci came home from school the other day, talking about Vanessa. They've spent allot of time together over the last few months with trips to the library after school and had one play date last week.

Now, what I'm about to tell you has to be kept in complete secrecy. but it's just too cute not to share. Kaci says she has a new best friend! Her and Vanessa talked and discovered neither of them has ever had a best friend, so, I think it was Vanessa, asked if they could be best friends. They have allot in common, crafting, an older sibling, silly, sweet, creative, being raised by single mothers, etc.

I had the pleasure of spending the entire day with them yesterday. It was so fun for me to see her connect with another person that way. They tease each other and no one gets hurt, they are both sarcastic at the right times, and their fashion statements are very similar. I hope that Kaci and Vanessa find themselves to be long time friends, they'll be good for each other. Plus I like her mom, so that's a benefit.

After Kaci came to the realization that unlike a few of the other girls in her class, that Vanessa actually played with her pre- makeover, the two girls wanted to do a "friend" photo shoot together. They had the best time yesterday picking out crazy outfits and getting ready. Vanessa loved it. She's a ham for the camera, and was so gracious to me for doing it. She kept saying how much fun she had, and I love to hear that in a 10 year old!

Her's a few from the day...look at these two, they are just too cute!

Vanessa's hair pieces are "fake" but she sure does look good...Kerry???
Love, Love, Love this one! Look at that face!
I love this one too....
Ps...the glasses, well those are fake too. But they wanted to match...isn't that cute!

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