Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Annual Harvest Party


This time of year is a fun one. I've always enjoyed dressing up, in an imaginative costume, giving you the permission to be a little crazy. A few weeks ago one of the teachers at Kaci's school asked me about our costumes for the annual Harvest Party at school. He said we were a big Halloween family. This is not a thought that has ever crossed my mind...Big Halloween Family...well, Ok.

It's not too long after the shock of school starting wears off, that the ideas around here start forming as to what this years costume of choice will be. The kids change their minds two or three times and then we finally set out on a scavenger hunt for the pieces to put together our Halloween outfit.

One of my favorite school activities has become the Harvest Party. The entire school community gets dolled up...even the parents, costume contest and all. I usually am behind the camera at the costume photo booth, but this gives me an opportunity to check out all of the competition.

At the end of an exhausting night, I plop myself and my aching feet onto the futon outside the front office of the school, drool at the teacher I have myself a little crush on and anxiously await the kids to cash in all of their tickets for an array of useless prizes and trinkets that end up in the garbage, sometimes before the night is even over.

This year was no different. Taylor came over soon after the crowds had left, sits down next to me and says, "Mom, I think I want to change my costume...." just like she does every year. One thing I have always said is..."It's nice to know my kids are consistent. In all they do, there is consistency, and this years scramble for a second "great" Halloween costume is no different. After sporting her "amazing" Little Red Riding Hood, Taylor has decided on "Dead Ballerina" as of this evening...we'll see if she actually pulls it off.


  1. Love the creativity!!! Kynlee is Little Red Riding Hood this year too...toddler style!!!

  2. Can't wait to see photos of the little darling! She may be a stinker...but she sure is CUTE!
