Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Burnt Hash-Brown Patties {Personal}


This morning I had planned to run a few errands. I needed to drop off the vacuum that the kids broke the other day, mail a package to a client, get the few last school supplies needed, ect.

The girls as usual, got up much to late, shoved some breakfast down their throats and quickly put on some crazy outfit. Yesterday I had gotten a few treats, hash-brown patties and waffles. This is what they wanted for breakfast. The waffles...fine, pop them in the toaster and lets go. Hashbrowns...I was not in the mood to cook. Taylor had the bright idea of putting them in the toaster...I quickly squashed that one too. I asked them not to make the hash brown this morning and to get some other yummy treat we had tucked away in the cupboard abyss.

Somewhere between loading the car with BOTH vacuums I own to be cleaned and repaired, grabbing the paperwork needed to at least get the cleaning for free, and grabbing my purse, a few lonely hash-browns entered the stove to their own demise.

100 degrees too hot, our gas stove being left on for over an hour and the attention span of my 12 year old, we returned from our errand trip to a house full of smoke.

Apparently in our house "DO NOT MAKE THE HASH BROWNS THIS MORNING!" means, "Please, burn my house down, and no need to listen to me....I'm just your mother"

I may have not been so irritated by this had it not been for the microwave that's on the fritz, a broken vacuum, the hair straightener that was broken and left on last week, and the house flood we had last spring. All of this, among WAY more little ones to remember, I'm really having a hard time staying calm, let alone afford all of the repairs these two girls are costing me. I could be wrong but I just don't remember causing this much damage to my parents home.

Mom...set me straight....we were not this forgetful, irresponsible, damaging, careless, forgettful (that one does' deserve to be written twice) as these two girls...Were we??

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