Friday, February 18, 2011

{ Mustache } Mug Shots

I sort of just fell into this, but everyone's reaction has been fun!  It started with a furry mustache for a baby shower photo booth and evolved into something else entirely.

I have retired the original "furry" stache and now what you will find is something a little more classic.  People always want something fun to do.  Something different, out of the ordinary.  So why not get your photo taken with a mustache?  I know..weird.  But it's a craze! 

Join me, {for now, by appointment } at the studio for a silly stache photo, a "mug shot" of sorts.  I want to see your personality, I know you have one!  And while we are at it, lets put it on a mug! 

$30 will get you a few shots in your new "stache" and together we will pick a favorite to add to a personalized mug.   They are great as gifts, or keep for yourself when you need a good giggle.  But everyone needs a "Mug Shot!" 

GO crazy!  Dress up!  Try a theme!  Whatever you decide, you are sure to have fun doing it...and this "mug shot" is a whole lot better than the one they would take of you at the Police Dept.

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