Wednesday, April 14, 2010

If you're just might find her. {personal}

There are some people in your life that you just think will always be there. No matter what....

My mom did child care in our home the whole time I was growing up. When I was 5 she started babysitting a girl just my age, with the most fiery red hair I have ever seen. Her name was Karen B. I cant remember anything back then other than we were best friends. We had countless sleepovers, and I told her everything. We went to the same school until 5th grade when we moved, I think at that point the "babysitting" wasn't happening anymore, and she was just at our house anyways.

Fast forward all the way through school, we always stayed in contact. I missed her for a few years during those times apart in grade school, but we quickly picked up right where we left off.

At one point during High School, when I decided to go Rogue and "experience" HS on my own, with a new set of friends, and breaking all the rules, we had our time apart, but just like grade school, we quickly picked up right where we left off.

I visited Karen in college and we still stayed friends. We even had our first babies just one month apart. We tried as much as we could to get our kids together as babies and document their little play dates. She was even one of the two bridesmaids at my wedding (yes, I was married....for a bit)

Karen and I even kept in touch when I packed my bags and lived in North Carolina for 6 years during that marriage. I visiting her cute little apartments when I'd come home to visit, and we'd always send photos of the growing kids.

My last visit with Karen is hard to remember. It seems to be that I can remember vivid details of so much of my life, but for a few brief years. Fortunately these are the same years when life was real tough, and quite possibly I don't NEED to remember it much.

When I finally moved back to Oregon in 2002, one of the first phone calls was to Karen. I didn't' get her, but her Ex, who promised me he's give her the message and tell her I was looking to get reconnected.

Her return call never came......

At this point you have to wander if you should start to take things personally, but after so many years you want to think it's only a lack of communication, right??

I tried one more time to reach her, Pats number being the only one I had, made things difficult. My next try, he had moved and I had hit a brick wall in my search for my friend.

On a daily basis for awhile, Karen was on my mind. I though of her fondly and hoped she was well. I wished I could see those cute red head kids grow up, and have my kids know her as well.

In this day and age with computers and facebook, I figured this would be an easy task. I find people all the time, and the one's you want to stay hidden, they pop up way too often!

To not bore you with all the details, I searched for years. Every so often just checking to see if she finally got a facebook, or had added any info on a reunion site, but nothing. It's like she literally disappeared.

I never gave up, in fact I do believe this is the one and only time in my life I've been patient. I want instant gratification, like most people this day and age.

This past Monday I tried again. no facebook....again, but hmmmmm.....lets try her little brother. BINGO! I found to get a response out of him. Will he remember me?? I had to try.

After a few messages back and forth, I finally had Karens number in my hands. Like a silly nervous teenager, I quickly dialed the number before I lost my nerve. DOhhhhhh! Answering machine....Ok, leave a cute little message. Done.

About an hour later, my phone rings. That silly smile is smeared across my face as I answer it, in hopes that maybe I found her.

Yesterday was a good day. After 8 years, and many life changes. Divorce, a few more children and two career changes, we picked up right where we left off. Like no time has passed, we laughed until my jaw literally hurt. We had so much to talk about we probably could have talked for 3 more hours, but we'll save those talks for in person.

I looked though a few old photos last night and I'm sure she'll kill me for posting a few of these, but they are too great NOT to share. I wish I could find the one's from our 5 year old days, now that would be funny.

Karen, I've missed you. You know everything. I don't need to explain anything, cause you where there for the years that made You know the reasons why when I tell you I'm afraid to start new relationships, or why I mess up as a parent. We don't have to explain anything to each other, and even when she doesn't' agree with me, she'll love me anyways.

I can't wait to see her. There will be so much more to talk about then, and document. I'm not sure when it will happen, but I do know soon. I can't wait another 8 years.

This was Karen in middle school...I know this because of the bangs....I think she (we) went through an entire bottle a week.
Karen and Jacob from my wedding. (and no, I did NOT take this picture)
One of our last visits with each other. At lest she got one red head baby!
And just because they are too cute not to post....Little Taylor and Mia.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, she looks the same, and great! Tell her I said hi. I am glad you guys found each other again. That's a great feeling! Amber
