Monday, August 17, 2009

I think a teenager lives with me?? {Personal}

This past weekend I had some friends visiting, and in order to keep the kids entertained I let Taylor have an old friend spend the night. Her name is Taylor too, they've known each other since they were in first grade, back when they were innocent and played with Barbie's.

I expect Taylor will grow up, I remember being a teenager, getting into trouble, thinking my parents "did not get me" and thinking everyone was only out to make my life boring and lame.

Its a normal thing that all teen girls have cell phones these days and they get together and text all night. It's harmless, I did it, but my phone was an actual land line where you have to have some kind of human contact.

Ok, now to the juice....Taylor B (my Taylor was given this nickname by the W family in order to distinguish the two girls long ago) and Taylor W were in B's room all night texting. I was busy with my friends in town and figure..."hey they are happy, they arent complaining and they certainly arent bored" All was good. Little did I know they had been texting a boy from B"s school.... Ok wait, I have to give alittle background first.

Taylor B has had two "boyfriends" this last year. OMG! How can I allow it, you ask?? She came to me to ask if she could date these two boys (of course on different occasions, she's no two-timer) We had a conversation about what dating meant right now, what they would be doing...kissing? holding hands?? In Taylor's world this is what 6th grade dating looks like....

Calling a boy, texting a boy, MAYBE sitting together at lunch, but getting to say "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" No kissing "GROSS", holding hands, "EWWW" she didn't want him to come over, what would they talk about?? I figured I was in the clear. "Sure Tay, you can date"

24 hours later, they broke up....he looked at her funny :) (Both of them)

Ok, back to the story....

The "Taylors" were apparently texting one of these "Ex-Boyfriends" ALL night, and all morning yesterday. Taylor W is apparently dating him now, (you know a great relationship when she can't remember his name and they have never even met) So W convinces this boy to meet her down at the Old Mill. She gets B to ask if they can go, and I have no reason to doubt they are just wanting to walk around. She's done it before. I was on my way home and asked her to vacuum before leaving and I'll be home in 15. They agree.

I get home to a very un-vacuumed house, and am a little upset. Thank goodness for cell phones, I call them up and send them back home, "you did NOT do what I asked"

In the mean-time, Kaci is my eaves-dropper. She does it without anyone even noticing, and she loves to feel needed, I found yesterday for this to be the PERFECT combination! Kaci comes to me and says, "Mom, The Taylors are not just going to walk around, I heard them setting things up the meet they boys at the Old Mill"

I think I have teen-agers living in my house.....

They get home, and I totally bust them. B breaks down, she can't believe she lied, I'll never do it again. Not that I completely believe her, but I know she feels horrible. This is so out of character for her, my gut is this is more W than B. I talked to both of them about how important it is for us parents to be able to trust you, if they would have asked, been honest of their intentions, I may have let them go.(for a short amount of time, I do remember being in 7th grade and wanting to meet boys) I want then to have fun, but honesty is always best. Parent's give more when they feel they can trust you.

B re-vacuumed the floor, we told a few stories of me meeting boys downtown when I was young and funny things that happened along the way. I thought I got thru to them both...WRONG!

About an hour later, the boredom set in again, they decided to walk down to the park near our house. OK, but you have to take little spy! Kaci knew of her expected stealth duties, and to report back discreetly.

30 minutes later B come walking thru the door alone??? W had taken off to meet these boys again! I looked thru the texts sent back and forth on B's phone to W...this was her plan all along, and B wanted nothing to do with it. At least I got thru to my own kid. B refused to be apart of it, wouldn't go to the park where the boys were now meeting them, and ended up walking home alone to stay out of trouble. GOOD GIRL! Except for leaving your 9 year old spy sister with a 12 year old who apparently has another agenda.

B got right on the phone after I old her to call and get the two girls home. Luckily 20 minutes later, Dad came to pick her up. I didn't say anything to her about my knowing her intentions. This girl I'm sure felt like adults are so clueless, I'm sure she thought she was in the clear.

I had a chat with Dad later and filled him in, it' his daughter after all...not my problem. She was BUSTED! I'm pretty sure she manipulated her way out of that one. She even tried convincing B that's not what happened and she doesn't understand why she thinks that....AND SHE SAW IT...with her own eyes!

I guess all those years of being manipulative myself have payed off. Taylor has never gotten away with much, both my girls think I have spies all over town, and neither one is really that great of a liar.

B is now dealing with her first girl fight, you can imagine how upset W is with her for ratting her out. We had to talk about that too last night and saw W's true colors with all her nasty texts. There will be more girls fights over the years, that's for sure. Some girls...

It breaks my heart to think that she's able to lie her way out of being in too much trouble. She does have Dad wrapped around her finger. I just hope someone can get thru to her before sneaking to the Old Mill to meet boys turns into something worse. It's so sad when you have these girls you've seen grow up start to head down a nasty path.

Lesson learned last night by all....I think I need to make sure my eyes are always open, and
"I think I have a teen-ager living in my house"


  1. Brad always says Chase won't be able to get away with anything because of all the bad stuff he did while he was a teenager, so he knows what to look for. Maybe it was okay that you went through so much as a teenager so you can help your kiddos avoid the bad stuff. Way to go mom!!

  2. Poor Tay... she is on the brink of the "age of drama", I totally remember being that age & doing stuff like that. Good Luck Tambi!!!
